Gen Z is turning into big-time mallrats
20 hours ago
But of course "post-racialism" is not a real idea. It is an impression, a chimera that grows out of a very specific racial manipulation that I have called "bargaining." Here the minority makes a bargain with white society: I will not "guilt" you with America's centuries of racism if you will not hold my minority status against me. Whites love this bargain because it allows them to feel above America's racist past and, therefore, immune to charges of racism. By embracing the bargainer they embrace the impression of a world beyond racial division, a world in which whites are innocent and minorities carry no anger. This is the impression that animates bargainers like Mr. Obama or Oprah Winfrey with an irresistible charisma. Even if post-racialism is an obvious illusion -- a bargainer's trick as it were -- whites are flattered by believing in it.
"You can measure how many jobs are created between two points in time. But
there is no way to measure how many jobs are saved. Even if things get much,
much worse, the President can say that there would have been 4 million fewer
jobs without the stimulus."
Rush was pretty funny talking about this, going as far as saying that this math is so impossible "maybe even God" wouldn't be able to figure this math out. Heh. Actually He can.